COVID-19 Precautions at Advent Christian Village

Throughout the pandemic, Advent Christian Village (ACV) administrators have acted according to guidance from health officials and regularly communicated those guidelines to ACV members, staff, and families

Some restrictions have been lifted and we are open to the public again, but we emphasize the precautions in place. Visitors to the campus are asked to wear masks and check-in at either the Information Center or the Village Lodge for screening prior to entering public areas or member residences.

Masks continue to be required when residents and guests are using ACV services and/or participating in indoor activities outside their own homes. Masks continue to be required for staff members that are outside of their immediate work area and/or are in close proximity to others, in addition to participating in daily screenings. Members, guests, and staff are encouraged to follow health official’s guidelines.

We are grateful for the cooperation of members and staff in following the guidelines to limit the risk to the community. Members with questions specific to their situation should contact their Service Coordinator. Further changes to these precautions will be communicated through the Friendly Neighbor News, the Emergency Information Line, and the ACV website.

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Good Samaritan Center In-Person Visitation Policy

The administration and staff of the Good Samaritan Center (GSC) understand the importance of the residents being able to spend time with loved ones, family and friends.  During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) per Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), indoor general visitation for all residents has been very restrictive in an effort to protect the health and safety of those most vulnerable, our residents, as well as the protection of facility staff needed to care for our residents. The Good Samaritan Center has updated the relevant policies to reflect revisions made on November 12, 2021 and March 10, 2022, to September 17, 2020, QSO-20-39-NH by CMS in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding resident visitation and April 6, 2022, State of Florida SB 988, “No Patient Left Alone Act.” Consequently, this facility will not restrict visitation without a reasonable clinical or safety cause consistent with the 42 CFR §483.10(f) (4) (Resident Rights). Policies will continue to be updated as regulatory guidance is updated.

Good Samaritan Center acknowledges the concerns for infection transmission to residents/patients, visitors and staff associated with open visitation and will continue to require staff and visitors to adhere to the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention to mitigate these concerns. The requirement for residents/patients wearing of masks is mentioned throughout our visitation policies.  It is understood that many of the GSC residents/patients are unable to tolerate masks due to medical conditions and that those with memory issues cannot remember to leave a mask in place and may therefore not be able to consistently follow the source control portion of these policies.  GSC staff will continue to encourage resident/patient compliance with all infection control practices.  The Administrator, Director of Nursing, Quality of Care Leaders, and Infection Control Nurse are responsible for ensuring that staff and other persons in the facility adhere to the policies and procedures of the facility.

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Dacier Manor In-Person Visitation Policy

Policy Statement

The administration and staff of Dacier Manor understand the importance of the residents in our Assisted Living Facility (ALF) having the ability to spend time with loved ones, family and friends.  During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) indoor general visitation for ALF residents was restricted in an effort to protect the health and safety of the residents and of the staff who are essential to the provision of the care and assistance required by our residents.

This Dacier Manor visitation policy has been updated to reflect the provisions of April 6, 2022, State of Florida Senate Bill 988, “No Patient Left Alone Act.” In accordance with that act, Dacier Manor will not restrict regular visitation without a reasonable clinical or safety cause consistent with F.A.C. Rule 59A-36.007 (10) infection Control Procedures and Florida Statutes Chapter 429.28 (d) Resident Bill of Rights.   Dacier Manor policies will continue to be revised to reflect updates in the regulatory guidance for Assisted Living facilities in Florida.

Dacier Manor administrative staff will provide their visitation policies and procedures to the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) when applying for licensure renewal, or change of ownership. In addition, Dacier Manor will make the visitation policies and procedures accessible from the homepage of their website.

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Have concerns that have not been addressed by ACV? Visit AHCA: Visitation ( to file a report.



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